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Our Mission

To share the love of Jesus in Ugandan villages by addressing physical needs and providing education for better health. 

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What We Do

  • Operate a mobile medical clinic to provide free or low-cost medical care as well as education for better health.

  • Assist those in need with food, education and healthcare.

  • Evangelize and disciple new believers.

There are so many unmet needs in Uganda. We aim to help cover a few of them. For our medical clinics, we load up our basic equipment, our totes of medicine, and our medical team, and head into the villages. We set up anywhere available such as churches, schools or even bars. We share the gospel with those waiting to receive care. The medical care might be a temporary fix, but the gospel and salvation are eternal.

How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news.  
Romans 10:15

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